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The Importance of Third-Party CBD Lab Testing

CBD products are becoming more and more popular due to their valuable health and care properties. As the interest in hemp products grows, so does the number of new CBD companies on the market. However, due to the lack of proper regulations in the CBD market, not all companies offer good quality and properly tested products.

Many companies claim that their products have been properly tested in laboratory conditions, but the reliability of these tests is sometimes questionable due to the relationship between a given laboratory and the producer. The solution to this problem is the so called third-party lab testing. It is a form of independent laboratory testing for quality control of given products. What is a third-party lab testing in case of CBD industry and why is it worth buying only third-party tested products?


Third Party CBD Lab Testing


  1. What is a third-party CBD lab testing?
  2. Why is a third-party lab testing important?
  3. It ensures safe and high-quality products
  4. It answers the most frequent questions
  5. Third-party lab testing for THC levels
  6. What else can CBD products be tested for?
  7. Advantage for manufacturers and retailers

What is a third-party CBD lab testing?

Along with the increasing popularity of hemp and CBD, the demand for tested, high-quality and safe CBD products is growing. However, some of the reports say that even up to 25% of the CBD products are not tested for harmful substances and impurities.

Manufacturers and retailers of course promise that their product has been tested in their own or affiliated laboratory, but one cannot be 100% certain that the results of such studies have not been manipulated. This is why it is important to buy the products that have gone through a third-party lab testing.

What is a third-party lab testing? It is a type of quality control (QC) scientific testing performed by laboratories with no affiliation with the CBD industry or a CBD manufacturer. The idea is that this type of laboratory testing is more reliable and non-bias, since the independent laboratories should have no interest in tampering with the results.

The third-party lab testing is also supposed to ensure that the product complies with all current mandates and regulations.

Why is a third-party lab testing important?

Customer trust is vital, especially in case of products related to health and wellness. customers often ask questions about if a product has been tested and whether it is safe. Of course, it is in the interest of each seller to give the most satisfying answer, which probably goes along the lines of: “absolutely, the product has been tested, it is safe and has great quality”.

However, what if such an answer is not enough for the client and they ask about the results of independent research? This is when a third-party lab testing comes in handy.

Besides, growing profits in the CBD industry can attract unethical companies that do not care about the quality of their products.

Independent laboratories test the CBD product compounds, testing the levels of THC, as well as heavy metals, pesticides and other chemicals that could be potentially dangerous for the consumers.

It ensures safe and high-quality products

As mentioned above, the third-party CBD lab testing ensures safe and high-quality CBD products by performing an unbiased analysis of a product. Unfortunately, some manufacturers indicate inaccurate information of the labels of their CBD products, which misleads the customer and can lead to an improper dosage, for instance underdosing.

Independent testing is important for both customers and manufacturers. It ensures a risk-free consumption and authenticity of your products.

It answers the most frequent questions

One may ask: why should I even bother with a third-party lab testing? It can be pricey and it puts pressure on manufacturers to sell better quality products which are obviously a bit more expensive. Such thinking is related to the belief that the cheaper the product, the better it will sell.

This, however, is not true as customers nowadays pay more and more attention to the quality of products and are willing to pay more money for a product that is safe, healthy, tested, ecological and overall of great quality. That is why many customers contact the seller before buying, asking questions about product quality testing.

This applies especially to CBD products, as many people use them for therapeutic purposes, supporting the treatment of many diseases, and for prophylactic purposes. Thus, this is why it is so important that these products are free from harmful substances and that they meet safety standards.

We know from experience that customers most often ask about the content of heavy metals in CBD oils, as they want to purchase a clean supplement, which is supposed to improve their health and well-being.

Third-party lab testing for THC levels

Third-party lab testing is also frequently performed to assess the THC levels in CBD products. THC (Tetrahydrocannabidiol) is a cannabinoid found in hemp, which is responsible for its narcotic effect, therefore in CBD supplements it is present in an extremely low concentration, usually up to 0.3%.

Why is it necessary? Because in some occupations people might get tested for THC and other narcotic substances. Therefore, professions such as athletes or police officers need to make sure that the CBD product they use contains very little to no levels of THC.

Manufacturers and retailers need to make sure, that the THC levels they on the packaging are real. Moreover, in most countries it is still illegal to posses products with THC content above 0.2%-0.3%.

You need a prescription from a doctor to legally have them for medical reasons. Besides, some people just want to enjoy CBD products without feeling intoxicated.

For those reasons, independent laboratories are able to asses the levels of THC, to make sure they are not higher than 0,3% and that the product really comes from Cannabis Sativa, and not for instance, from Cannabis Indica, which produces marijuana.

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CBD third party lab testing

What can CBD products be tested for?

As mentioned above, CBD products can be tested for the levels of THC, which prevents breaching the legal norms of THC limits in a given country. But this is not the only reason that the third-party CBD lab testing is necessary, if you want to make sure your products are safe and of good quality.

The industry is highly unregulated. Some CBD companies sell products that may be contaminated with harmful substances, such as heavy metals and pesticides.

Besides, third party CBD lab testing can also prevent companies from overestimating the cannabinoid profile of their products. The valuable cannabinoids contained in hemp products are the main reason why you should use these products.

However, obtaining a product with a high cannabinoid profile can be expensive or time-consuming, which is why some companies sell a different type of oils with a CBD isolate. of course, it is not CBD oil and does not have a broad cannabinoid profile or valuable nutrients such as terpenes and flavonoids.

Advantage for manufacturers and retailers

With the growing popularity of CBD products, there are more and more businesses interested in selling CBD products. Therefore, it can be somewhat difficult to tell the difference between ethical companies selling great quality products, and companies offering low-quality or even toxic products.

A good producer knows that for the long run false advertising will not help them build a well established company with good reputation and high profits.

If you want to stand out on the market among a multitude of companies, you have to play fair. Pay attention to the quality of the products you sell and whether the information about the products is consistent with their actual content.

By taking care of the good-quality of your products, ensuring transparency of information and providing third-party CBD lab testing, you guarantee yourself a good reputation and the role of authority in the industry.

If you are looking for high-quality CBD products that have undergone third-party lab testing, contact us. At Cannabis Spot we supply CBD oils, dried hemp and edibles from trusted suppliers.